A hell of a lot of GLASS
A hell of a lot of GLASS – achieving gender equality in the workplaces of Australia deals with the questions we’re all still asking:
- why are there still so few women CEOs in the top 200 ASX listed companies?
- why does there continue to be a gender pay gap in Australia?
- why, after more than 4 decades of anti-discrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action legislation and policy in Australia, do we still not have gender equality at work?
- and why are some women still having to navigate not just glass ceilings but glass cliffs and glass labyrinths at work?
Importantly, the book includes practical ways to address these challenges.
The author Kate Ramsay draws on her considerable experience in the field of equal opportunity to produce a book that is informative, ‘meaty’, readable, and timely. Timely, because leaders are frustrated about finding solutions to these questions. Timely also, because the book outlines some important legislative changes about the gender pay gap and other employer responsibilities that leaders need to know about.
Targeted research by 3 contributing authors provides context, while interviews with 25 women provide fascinating and sometimes alarming details of their experiences in the workplace. Each chapter is a stand-alone essay on topics ranging from sexism and misogyny to the imposter syndrome and the ‘elephant in the room’ of unconscious biases. Chapters are structured in sections: research, supporting anecdotes from interviewees, what more can be done, and conclusions.
A hell of a lot of glass makes an important contribution to on-going discussion on this topic. It’s a must read for leaders keen to create a gender diverse workforce, for change agents with the inclusion and diversity portfolio in their workplaces, for women juggling work and family responsibilities and for all of us who want equality at work.
Author bio:
Kate Ramsay is the managing director of AnD Leadership Consulting and has had over 35 years’ experience working as a consultant specialising in gender-based equal employment opportunity and in leadership coaching and mentoring. She is the author of Go with Love – a memoir about love, loss and learning and co-author of Barriers to Women Working in Corporate Management.
Retail price: $35.00